We all know this woman...
After visiting another plus size blog, Manolo for the Big Girl I had an idea:
Plus size icons: inspiration or mistake?
Yep, Monica Lewinsky. Good ol "I am voting for republicans because the democrats left a bad taste in my mouth" or "What does a vending machine and Monica Lewinsky have in common...they both take in Bills."
These "jokes" floated around so much in the early 90s it was ridiculous as I am sure many of you remember and heard other versions!
I was about 15 when the scandal came out, and I have to tell you I was intrigued by this woman. Adultery aside, the most famous man in the world, The US President, was obviously interested in a bigger woman. I know many of you must be appalled, yet I bet many of you also follow the Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt news and who doesn't love Marilyn despite the JFK indiscretion?
Alright hard feelings aside lets review the fashion aspect of this woman. I think that all of the above pictures are lovely examples of some professional and evening attire that still works even today.
First, I think that in many pics she can be an inspiration for women searching for a professional look. In the first pic (directly above), she is elegantly dressed, makeup is subtle and jewelry is classic. Simply done. On the other hand, we all have our bad days where we go out looking less than perfect so don't be hating. Obviously (pic below) the droopy, just woke piggy tails are more of a casual look that could have been better implemented with some teasing.
The following pics are a good representation of evolving style. The first is obviously dated with overly big hair, typical of the "Rachael" hairstyle with bangs that was popular in the 90's. The second is more classic and modern. From the sleek hair to the fresh face to the chandelier earrings, she looks elegant.
My overall vote is a B+/A-. I feel that bigger women have to many obstacles to overcome with out the rest of us poking fun. We all make mistakes. Move on...
We all make fashion faux-pas! That sassy little outfit of the moment later seems like a silly costume, but it is all in good fun, right!